Big news - our Development Application (DA) to add retail spaces, a cafe, caretakers accommodation and improved event capabilities to the Shed is now open to public consultation, with Brisbane City Council taking submissions and feedback from the community.
The added facilities will have huge potential for the Shed, our tenants and other budding entrepreneurs, but to help make it all happen, we need your support! To make it super easy, we’ve included a template letter of support below - all you have to do is add your details and signature, and email it to before Friday 8 October.
For more details, you can also view the full application here.
Letter of support:
Dear Brisbane City Council,
I am writing this submission in support of the proposed development at 8 Textile Crescent, Salisbury, development application reference A005754340.
The Food Connect Shed is a great local, community- orientated, sustainable place for connection and creation. It is pleasing to see that the Food Connect Foundation is utilising the space to contribute further to the community and to create amenity and activity for the Salisbury industrial area, whilst not changing the current nature of the industrial area. I support the proposed development for the following reasons:
The proposal is a great utilisation of space.
Providing a café and shop is beneficial to the area, including for workers within the shed and local industrial workers. There is a lack of small-scale services in the industrial area.
The shop and café directly support local businesses and/ or small business within the Food Connect Shed which is strongly needed considering the tough effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The proposal provides employment opportunities to the community and the contributes to the economy.
The proposal creates activation and provides opportunity to activate the RSL park.
It creates some vibrancy and ambiance to the area.
It creates an amenity to keep local employees and people in the area.
The function space creates an exciting opportunity, and will contribute positively to the local economy. The function space will provide the opportunity to host employees, locals and visitors, which directly supports the local area.
The function facility is a good dual-purpose use of the industrial floor space (used by Food Connect at particular times), which has no negative impact on the industrial area.
I believe the development will have a very positive influence for the local industrial area and the surrounding community. It would be fantastic to see this development go ahead.
Please consider the abovementioned points during the assessment of this positive and exciting development.
Kind Regards,